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It’s awards season!

Over the last month, I have received some awards but ran out of time to receive them.

I am grateful for them but I was planning vacations and than went on vacations… so now it’s award season!

So, here it goes.  This is a lovely Monday morning.  The dogs are quiet, Emily is watching tv and Jon is sleeping (the poor guy works midnight to 7 am).

Regardless of the award I am getting, my thanks will always start with my inspiration, my daughter Emily.  Without her, I wouldn’t have anything to write about.  I also need to thank my amazing husband as he is my rock.  He is giving me time to write and he is allowing me to write about us!  Not that I needed him to allow it but it makes for a much better relationship when the husband is ok with what his wife is writing about.  I also need to thank my mom, I LOVE my mom, she taught me how to be a great mom and without her I wouldn’t be me!


Very Inspiring blogger award!

Well, this is one lovely award to receive.  I truly believe Emily is inspiring which makes me inspiring as I am writing our stories.

This inspiring award was given to me by:  http://mummyflyingsolo.com/2013/07/07/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

If you don’t know her, please go check her blog!  She’s great!

Here is what she had to say about me:  Lessons from my daughter – Pascale’s daughter was born with the rare Cri du Chat syndrome. All the doctors told her she would do nothing…but they were wrong.

I also got this award


From:  http://scottishmomus.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/thank-you-vanilla-housewife-for-this-lovely-award-i/

And, I know you might not believe this but I also go a triple award – or what I like to call it… a bouquet of awards!


The triple award also came from:  http://scottishmomus.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/go-meee-go-meee/

She obviously really enjoy my blog which makes me really happy!  I never thought I would get followers, didn’t know if my blog would be of any interest to people.

Rules are almost the same for all the awards so I am joining them together and will award them together!


1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award on to 10 nominees
5. Include this set of rules.
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.

7 sensational tidbits about me

1.  I was and still am a nerd.  In High School I joined the drama club to help me figure out how to get better grades when I had to present in front of the class.

2.  At the end of high school I got a bursary for best grades in my town.

3. I moved on my own at 17 to go to college and regretted it for the first week!  🙂  Than I loved it!

4. I work for the company I wanted to work for when I was in college….  How many people can say that.  I’ve been with this company for almost 17 years now!

5. I was a ballerina for 10 years.  I  loved it but my knees decided that wasn’t the path for me

6. Speaking of my knees, they starting acting up when I was in 6th grade and gave me grief for the following 2 years.  They will never be 100%

7. My first house was on a lake…  I fell in love with it and had to have it!  I was sad to sell it but life took us in another direction.

Blogs That Inspire Me

1. http://fatmomnomore.com/

2. http://workingmotherassistant.com/

3. http://lynncollins10.wordpress.com/

4. http://chrissyadventures.wordpress.com/

5. http://andieduncan.wordpress.com/

6. http://tracesofthesoul.wordpress.com/

7.  http://ironicmom.com/

8. http://jerry-mahoney.com/

9. http://theverybesttop10.com/

10. http://itsawonderfilledlife.net/

If you’ve already received some of those awards, please feel free to only accept the new ones or if you feel like it, go ahead and accept them all….  You sure deserve them!

10 thoughts on “It’s awards season!

  1. Thank you so, so much for this award but I am afraid I have already been nominated for it and attached it to my website, but I still am very grateful for you choosing me and a little bit honoured to have it again so I will follow the rules and pass it on. I hope this is OK.

      • I think you have been very astute in amalgamating them. I fully intend to do the same or I’ll never get them done. I think many people probably find it difficult to make the time, especially if there are several to do. As lovely as it is to receive them, they are time consuming and life gets in the way of blogging!
        Congrats again.x

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